Go to photograph Go to the text Go to the fuller text Go to the QR CODE PHOTOGRAPH TEXT Slab Fragment 13th Century Marble Location: Museum of Montecassino Abbey, Room of Desiderius Provenance: Montecassino, Abbey Church of Desiderius (1066-1071) FULLER TEXT This marble slab fragment was recovered after World War II along with others and […] Read More
Lion Head
Lion Head 13th Century White Marble Location: Museum of Montecassino Abbey, Room of Desiderius, Right Wing Provenance: Montecassino
Column-Bearing Lion
Column-Bearing Lion 13th Century White Marble Location: Museum of Montecassino Abbey, Room of Desiderius, Right Wing Provenance: Montecassino
Colonette Fragment
Colonette Fragment Second Half of 11th Century White Marble, Glass Paste Tesserae Location: Museum of Montecassino Abbey, Room of Desiderius, Right Wing Provenance: Montecassino
Portal Fragment
Portal Fragment Early 12th century White Marble Location: Museum of Montecassino Abbey, Gallery Provenance: Montecassino of San Vincenzo al Volturno This is a block of white marble with gray veins, found around 1960 during excavations at the abbey of San Vincenzo al Volturno. Its single, carved face in low relief suggests that it is a fragment […] Read More
Slab Second Half of 11th Century White Marble, Glass Paste and Gold Leaf Tesserae Location: Museum of Momtecassino Abbey, Room of Desiderius, Left Wing Provenance: Montecassino, Abbey Church of Desiderius (1066-1071)
Slab Early 9th Century White Marble Location: Museum of Montecassino Abbey, Room of Desiderius, Left Wing Provenance: Montecassino
Portal Lintel
Portal Lintel 9th Century White Marble Location: Museum of Montecassino Abbey, Room of Desiderius, Left Wing Provenance: Montecassino, Abbey Church of Desiderius (1066-1071), Lateral Entrance of the Façade, Reused Material
Console Fragment
Console Fragment 12th -13th Century White Marble Location: Museum of Montecassino Abbey, Room of Desiderius, left wing Provenance: Montecassino
Portal Jambs
Jambs of a Portal 2nd-3rd Century A.D. White Marble Location: Musem of Montecassino Abbey, Room of Desiderius,Left Wing Provenance: Montecassino, Abbey Church of Desiderius (1066-1071), Lateral Entrance of the Façade, Reused Material
Pair of Lions
Pair of Lions 11-12th Century White Marble Location: Museum of Montecassino Abbey, Room of Desiderius, left wing Provenance: Montecassino
Jamb Fragments
Jamb Fragment 9th Century White Marble Location: Museum of Montecassino Abbey, Room of Desiderius, Left Wing Provenance: Montecassino
Door Jamb Fragment
Door Jamb Fragment 11th Century White Marble Location: Museum of Montecassino Abbey, Room of Desiderius, left wing Provenance: Montecassino
Slab Fragment
Go to photograph Go to the text Go to the fuller text Go to the QR CODE PHOTOGRAPH TEXT Slab Fragment Second Half of 11th Century Polychrome Marbles, Glass Paste Tesserae Location: Museum of Montecassico Abbey, Room of Desiderius, Right Wing Provenance: Montecassino, Abbey Church of Desiderius (1066-1071) FULLER TEXT This fragment, recovered after World […] Read More
Slab Fragment
Slab Fragment 13th Century Polychrome Marbles Location: Museum of Montecassino Abbey, Room of Desiderius Provenance: Montecassino, Abbey Church of Desiderius (1066-1071) This fragment was recovered after World War II along with others. It is a marble slab with geometric, polychrome decoration (inlaid marble or opus sectile) consisting of mosaics laid into grooves specially channeled […] Read More
Portal Lintel and Jambs
Portal Lintel and Jambs Second Half of 11th Century White Marble, Glass Paste and Gold Leaf Tesserae Location: Museum of Montecassino Abbey, room of Desiderius, Left Wing Provenance: Montecassino, Abbey Church of Desiderius (1066-1071), Central Portal of the Façade, Reused Material
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